Health is a state of complete harmony of the Mind, Body & Soul... We hear the phrase "body and soul," but sometimes wonder what that might mean. One interpretation of...
- 10 health benefits of sleep
- 10 Meditation Practices
- 10 Reasons Why Runners Should Practice Yoga
- 10 Tips - Avoid Holiday Weight
- 10 Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Core
- 10 Yoga Postures to Enhance Your Running
- 20 Health Benefits of Yoga
- 5 Popular Types of Yoga
- 5 types of asanas
- A healthy mind needs a healthy lifestyle
- Healthy Mind with Yoga
- improved peace of mind
- Vitamin D
- Workout of the mind & body and soul
- You can always control what goes on inside your mind
- You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind!