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Discover Your Truth

Discover Your Truth

Stay calm during these times of crisis… In these unpredictable times, it can sometimes be a challenge deciphering what is fact from fiction. With the novel coronavirus, each day we...
Connect with Family & Friends

Connect with Family & Friends

Don’t worry; Don’t hurry; Trust the process   Throughout this pandemic, we have been caught in this dilemma of social distancing from our family, friends, and colleagues. We have been...
The Power of Gratitude

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle! 1. We become what we think about! If you turn on the television or listen to a radio talk show, many of the information...
Why Yoga Retreats are important once in a while?

Why Yoga Retreats are important once in a while?

Travelling and Yoga runs parallel. Planning a vacation can be a very exciting time. It's the anticipation of stepping out of your regular routine and visiting a new location or...
Minimize Your Tech to Maximize Your Health

Minimize Your Tech to Maximize Your Health

Let’s take a moment away from the digital world and breathe in! We currently live in a highly digitized world. There was a time when having a mobile phone was...
The Importance of Sleep for Weight Loss

The Importance of Sleep for Weight Loss

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man HEALTHY, Wealthy & Wise! 1. Why aren’t you losing weight even after those extra sweaty hours? If you're in the...
Importance of Nutrition in Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Importance of Nutrition in Reaching Your Fitness Goals

Importance of Nutrition in Reaching Your Fitness Goals You may be hitting the gym and doing cardio every day, but are you reaching your fitness goals? Free weights with appropriate...


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