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5 Principles of Yoga

5 Principles of Yoga

How the Five Points of Yoga Help You Live a Healthy Life One someone thinks about going to a yoga class, they often think they are going into a class...
10 Types of Meditation Practices for Beginners and Advanced Yogis

10 Types of Meditation Practices for Beginners and Advanced Yogis

10 Types of Meditation Practices for Beginners and Advanced Yogis   There are many styles and techniques when it comes to meditation. For some, the practice can be very intimidating;...
Yoga: The (in)Side Benefits

Yoga: The (in)Side Benefits

We all know that yoga is good for the body: it helps to keep you fit, toned, and flexible. But it's not only good for your muscles. Did you know...
Yoga FAQs: Am I Too Inflexible for Yoga?

Yoga FAQs: Am I Too Inflexible for Yoga?

You're determined to do yoga. You know it's good for you, and you've read dozens of articles in magazines in which impossibly thin celebrities swear that yoga is how they...
5 Yoga Tips For Beginners

5 Yoga Tips For Beginners

More and more people are taking up the practice of yoga every day. They know that it's good for your body, good for your mind, and good for your soul....
Yoga FAQs: Is It Supposed to Hurt?

Yoga FAQs: Is It Supposed to Hurt?

Many newcomers to the practice of yoga are uncomfortable at first. They are twisting their bodies into positions that they've never tried before, and it can definitely be awkward for...
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